Thursday, November 6, 2014


For so long I have lived by what others define me as. A doula, a student midwife, a mom, a hippie, a crunchy mama, etc. etc. etc... But there is so much more than just a few words. Even those few words listed above have so much complexity that I cannot even begin to share with you who I am.

In just the word doula there is birth activist, believer in women's strength, baby lover, supporter, hardworker and rebel. In mom there is nurse, cook, maid, playmate, teacher and more. The complexity that each one of these words bring don't give people an idea of who I really am.

I'm defined by words that have more meaning to me than they ever will to the person saying them. I don't want to live a life defined by just vague words that don't define the complexity of who I am. I want adjective with those words. I want to hear, "She's a mom, but she's a warrior for her children, she teaches them morals and values and she prepares them healthy meals." I want the full depth of who I am grasped by every person I meet.

I want to define everyone with more adjectives, even colorful ones. If someone is a bitch, I want to define her that way. Not because she's mean or rude, but because she has the guts to stand up for herself. If she's religious, I want to be able to see what drives her religion, not just label her. I want more. I want more depth, I want more explanation and I want more color.

Not just for myself, but for every single person I meet. For my children, for your children, so that they can see a truly 3-D world.